2001 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest

Sponsored by Texas Instruments

Veteran - Problem 7, Solution in c


#define DEBUG (1 == 1)

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 6
#define STATUEMAX 6

int main()
 { // main
	int numPuzzles;			// number of puzzles to solve
	int board[SIZE][SIZE];		// yard matrix
	int bbRow;			// start row for BirdBath
	int bbCol;			// start column for BirdBath
	int numStatues;			// number of Statues
	int numPushes;			// number of bb pushes for this puzzle
	int dir;			// direction being pushed
	int np;				// loop control variable (loops through puzzles)
	int p;				// loop control variable (loops through pushes)
	int i,j;			// loop control variables
	int r;				// row
	int c;				// column
	int OnBoard;			// flag to see if we are still on board

	scanf(" %d", &numPuzzles);
	if (DEBUG) printf("Number of puzzles: %d\n", numPuzzles);
	for (np=0; np < numPuzzles; np++)
	 { // loop for each puzzle
// load the row and column of where BB starts
		scanf(" %d %d", &bbRow, &bbCol);
		if (DEBUG) printf("BirdBath starts: [%d,%d]\n", bbRow, bbCol);
		scanf(" %d", &numStatues);
		if (DEBUG) printf("Number of statues: %d\n", numStatues);
// test to make sure num statues is valid
// empty board
		for (i=1; i < SIZE; i++)
			for (j=1; j < SIZE; j++)
				board[i][j] = 0;
// mark the board with statue locations
		for (i=0; i < numStatues; i++)
		 { // load statue locations
			scanf(" %d %d", &r, &c);
			if (DEBUG) printf("Statue location: [%d,%d]\n",r,c);
			board[r][c] = 1;
		 } // load statue locations
// load the number of pushes
		scanf(" %d", &numPushes);
		if (DEBUG) printf("Number of pushes: %d\n", numPushes);
		r = bbRow;
		c = bbCol;
		OnBoard = ((r > 0) && (r < SIZE) && (c > 0) && (c < SIZE));
		for (p=0; p < numPushes; p++)
		 { // push statue
			scanf(" %d", &dir);
			if (DEBUG) printf("Direction: %d\n", dir);
			if (OnBoard)
			 { // Still on the board
				switch (dir)
				 { // switch
				 case 8:
					r = r + 1;
					while ((r < SIZE) && (board[r][c] == 0))
					 { // while
	if (DEBUG) printf("Checking: [%d,%d]\n", r, c);
						r = r + 1;
					 } // while
					OnBoard = (r < SIZE);
					r = r - 1;
				 case 2:
					r = r - 1;
					while ((r > 0) && (board[r][c] == 0))
					 { // while
	if (DEBUG) printf("Checking: [%d,%d]\n", r, c);
						r = r - 1;
					 } // while
					OnBoard = (r > 0);
					r = r + 1;
				 case 6:
					c = c + 1;
					while ((c < SIZE) && (board[r][c] == 0))
					 { // while
	if (DEBUG) printf("Checking: [%d,%d]\n", r, c);
						c = c + 1;
					 } // while
					OnBoard = (c < SIZE);
					c = c - 1;
				 case 4:
					c = c - 1;
					while ((c > 0) && (board[r][c] == 0))
					 { // while
	if (DEBUG) printf("Checking: [%d,%d]\n", r, c);
						c = c - 1;
					 } // while
					OnBoard = (c > 0);
					c = c + 1;
				 } // switch
			 } // Still on the board
		 } // push statue
		if (OnBoard)
		 { // BB still on board
			if ((r == 3) && (c == 3))
			 { // in center
				printf("BIRDBATH IN YOUR YARD\n");
			 } // in center
			 { // not in center
				printf("BIRDBATH IN THE WAY\n");
			 } // not in center
		 } // BB still on board
		 { // BB hit fence
			printf("BIRDBATH IN THE FENCE\n");
		 } // BB hit fence
	 } // loop for each puzzle

 } // main

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The statements and opinions included in these pages are those of 2001 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest only. Any statements and opinions included in these pages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.
© 2000,2001 Isaac Traxler
Last modified: Friday, 01 July, 2011 16:27:53