2001 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest

Sponsored by Texas Instruments

Novice and Veteran - Problem 3, Solution in c

	A Muddle of Maps
#include <stdio.h>

#define DEBUG (1 == 1)
#define FALSE (1 != 1)

#define ROW 10
#define COLUMN 10

int StillOnMap(int i, int j, int numRows, int numCols)
 { // begin FUNCTION StillOnMap
	return ((i > 0) && (i <= numRows) && (j > 0) && (j <= numCols));
 } // begin FUNCTION StillOnMap

int main(void)
    int NumMaps = 0,			// Number of map
	numRows,			// number of rows in current map 
	numCols,			// number of colums in current map
	beginRow,			// row to begin at
	beginCol,			// column to begin at
	endRow,				// row to end at
	endCol,				// column to end at
	numMoves,			// number of movees for a map
        direction,			// In what direction the Dr. is moving 
        steps,				// number of steps
	onMap,				// Still on Map
	GoodMapCnt = 0,			// Count the number of good maps
        i,				// The count for map loop
        j,				// The count for row/move loop
        k,				// The count for column/move loop
        r,				// The row for the movement in the map
        c;				// The column for the movement in the map

	scanf(" %d", &NumMaps);

	if (DEBUG) printf("There are %d maps to be explored today.\n\n", NumMaps);

	for (i=0;i < NumMaps;i++)
	 { // loop for each map
		scanf(" %d %d", &numRows, &numCols);
		if (DEBUG) printf("The map is %dx%d.\n", numRows, numCols);
		scanf(" %d %d", &beginRow, &beginCol);
		scanf(" %d %d", &endRow, &endCol);
		if (DEBUG) printf("The beginning coordinates are (%d,%d) and ending at (%d,%d).\n",beginRow, beginCol, endRow, endCol);
		r = beginRow;
		c = beginCol;
		scanf(" %d",&numMoves);
		for (k=0; k < numMoves; k++)
		 { // loop through moves
			onMap = StillOnMap(r,c,numRows,numCols);
			scanf("%d %d", &direction, &steps);
			if (DEBUG) printf("Currently at [%d,%d]\tdirection: %d\tsteps: %d\n",r,c, direction, steps);
			switch (direction)
			 { // switch
			 case 8:
				r = r + steps;
			 case 2:
				r = r - steps;
			 case 4:
				c = c - steps;
			case 6:
				c = c + steps;
       	     		  } // switch
		 } // loop through moves
		if (DEBUG) printf("Currently at [%d,%d]\n",r,c);
		if (onMap) 
	 	{ // no bad moves
			if ((r == endRow) && (c == endCol))
			 { // success
				printf("Good Map\n");
				GoodMapCnt = GoodMapCnt + 1;
			 } // success
			 { // did not reach end
				printf ("Bad Map\n");
			 } // did not reach end
		 } // no bad moves
		 { // fell off the map
			printf ("Bad Map\n");
		 } // fell off the map

	 } // loop for each map
    printf ("%d Good Maps detected.\n",GoodMapCnt);
    return 0;


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The statements and opinions included in these pages are those of 2001 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest only. Any statements and opinions included in these pages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.
© 2000,2001 Isaac Traxler
Last modified: Friday, 01 July, 2011 16:27:53